Friday 26 April 2013

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learnt and grown in various different areas of media since I began to plan my preliminary task.

My knowledge in camera work, effects and softwares have increased a lot since the filming of the prelim task on a little, poor quality flip camera.

It is strange now as when I sit down, relax and watch a film or TV drama, I tend to subconsciously analyse what is being purposefully done with the sound, mis en scene and camera. I can identify certain techniques and rules that have been obeyed by the filming crew in the programme and why exactly they did it. I understand that some shots create more of a different picture than others and where they become necassary or over the top.

This is also my first real experience with a proper HD camera where I'm set out to complete a task a big as making a Thriller opening sequence. I enjoyed it very much and it has appealed to me, I can see myself doing plenty more work that is similar. I'm creative by nature as I study music and take interest in any other art that I come across. It also opened up my eyes as to how much work a film crew including actors, directors, producers and editors go through to achieve a maximum credential product. It cannot be done independently so people skills and other individual aspects and traits have to be highlighted. Leadership is a must amongst a crew. Everything down to the smallest edit on either visual and sound can make something out of contrast to what is wanted by the director and their cognitive process.

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