Friday 26 April 2013

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

- My thriller represents different stages of a teenage life and how they can be portrayed. The victim is a young girl aged thirteen and the fact that she has been murdered, suggests that young teenage girls are naïve and can be seen as weak. However it also represents their innocence in contrast to the killer who shows teenagers/young adults in a bad light. Instead of using the typical ‘youth’ stereotype with the dark costume and the baggy clothes, I chose to dress the killer in jeans and a vintage leather jacket.

- This makes the killer’s image more mysterious and intriguing, as he looks like an ordinary male to the audience. I did this to show that there is no stereotype of a ‘villain’ or a ‘murderer’ and that anyone is capable of it. I also did this as I wanted to audience to constantly question what was happening in the opening sequence, therefore making them want to carry on watching to find out the answers.

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