Friday 26 April 2013

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product seems to challenge forms of conventions of real media products with how the way the opening sequence is set out. The opening sequence includes sequenced and quick paced flashbacks which may confuse the audience as to what to storyline is and what will happen further on. However we wanted to do this so the opening sequence will also be part of the end sequence. The end of the opening sequence is also the start of the opening sequence where the movie will then play out the story that then lead to the outcome of the opening sequence. The end sequence will include part of the opening sequence, however this time the audience will understand the plot. We did this in order to create suspense that will draw the audience in and make them want to carry on watching the movie.

The fact we decided to make an opening sequence that would also appear and the end of the movie used conventions of real media products, as this concept was used in ‘Usual Suspects’. The forest location also uses forms of conventions of real media products as is it a typical location for horror/thriller movies.

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