Friday 8 March 2013

Thriller Risk Assessment

Before filming my Thriller I need to assess the risks of filming it.
  • The location is far away so my group and I need to plan how we are going to get there
  • Filmed in woods so need to clear a path so the actors don't slip and fall
  • Also filmed on an abandoned railway which is hard to get too (have to climb over fences to get there), need to make sure the crew or the actors don't harm themselves while climbing.
  • The weather could also be a risk as it could prevent us from filming if it is raining or snowing
  • Need to find a costume that fits the actors
  • Make sure the costume is appropriate for the Thriller
  • As the part of the filming is done in a wooded area, any loose piece of clothing could get caught on trees etc
  • Need to find a time everyone is available
  • Responsible for getting them to the location
  • Make sure they turn up on the day we plan to film
  • It isn't compulsory for anyone to act, must feel comfortable on camera to prevent any poor acting

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