Tuesday 26 February 2013

Thriller Storyboard

- The storyboard for my thriller filming is looking into every aspect into its smallest detail for the first time. A wide range of techniques and skills need to be recognised, all camera angles need to be evaluated as to what will be right for the quality of each shot. As we now know the location and what we roughly want to film, it becomes easier to visualise what order the shots will be in. Cognitive thinking and mental rehearsal of what is going to be filmed can enable me to think about what ambient sounds or music is going to be used at what points.

  • Firstly there will be an Establishing Shot of the Abandoned Railway (location) with the antagonist in the background. With the Antagonist in the distance this will add a mysterious element to the piece. The camera will then zoom in to an extreme close up of the antagonist that dissolves into a flashback.
  • Flashback will be shown in a long shot with the antagonist walking through the woods. During this ambient sounds will be heard in the background.
  • There will then be an eye line match of the antagonist looking around the woods to show the audience what he can see.
  • Another close up of the antagonist will be shown going into a flashback. The flashback will include a range of high angle extreme close up shots of the victim under water.
  • There will be fast cuts back to the antagonists reaction and the the extreme close ups of the victim. This is to create suspense.
  • A close up of the victim (girl) under water will be shown in slow motion, when she opens her eyes and raises up out the water.
  • The scene will then go back to the woods where the girl will be seen in a low angle shot walking where the antagonist is walking.
  • The antagonist will appear in a medium shot looking round to show his increased fear and to build up the suspense.
  • The camera will pan up as the girl walks towards it so the audience are able to see her costume and facial expressions.
  • The antagonist will then be shown in a long shot running to then wood which will remain in a long shot of him climbing onto the railway.
  • There will then be a medium shot of the antagonist looking sideways at the girl, which will then transfer into an over the shoulder shot of him looking at her (so the audience can see what he can see).
  • The over shoulder shot will then be shown over the girls shoulder looking at the antagonist, which will flow into a two shot of them showing the antagonist walking back onto the track.
  • After a close up shot of the antagonist will be shown so the audience can clearly see his emotions.
  • Finally the camera will zoom out to a long shot of the girl walking towards the antagonist, and then this shot will be repeated without the girl to show she is actually in the antagonists mind.

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