Friday 25 January 2013

Rules and shots used in the Prelim

- This was a note taking and research page that I did to follow any unwritten rules that TV drama's use for dialogue. The 180 degree rule must be taken into consideration. It is easy to confuse the audience when the camera shoots behind themselves in the same take. The enviroment seems to change perspectives from where the camera is shooting. An invisible line should be envisioned when filming to achieve this.

I also took notes on the exact shots that I would use in the prelim task. Using too many shots and cuts during a simple exchange of dialogue can cause distraction to the audience for what is happening. Angles of the shots used more than once must be the same aswell as it is an easily detectable error for the audience to pick up.

An explanation of why the 'establishing shot' is used is on this sheet. It is used to portray the characters enviroment and emotions before filming. Tight shots are used to help the audience engage with the characters as te camera gets closer and closeer, focusing purely on facial expressions.

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