Friday 25 January 2013

Final edit of Preliminary task

The end product of my preliminary task is satisfactory. In the short space of time that was given to brainstorm, plan and film it, I feel that I have learnt valueble lessons on what to take into consideration when filming. This was also my first experience with editing clips and unwanted footage on the software 'Adobe Premiere Pro'. Effects are used in the Final Prelim task such as Fade in, Dissolve and Slow-motion. This has given me a better of understanding of when and why effects are put into place. The flashback moment in this clip is when a close up of the antagonists face occurs. He is looking back at when he robbed the phone which we fade into and therefore make slow-motion, making it more obvious to the audience of what he is doing. The change in colour contrast from colour to black and white portrays a flashback.

The camera that we used to film this was a 'HD TTS Camcorder' which as you can tell doesn't catch the full visual display very well, along with poor capture of sound and dialogue. In order to achieve maximum effect with filming the thriller, better equipment needs to be obtained to do so.
Ambient sound occurs throughout, noises in the background like people chatting in the common room is sometimes heard which can cause distraction to the audience. This suggests that the location of filming needs to be made independent to you and can be managed under a certain amount of control. The establishing shot is also rather shaky. This is the flip camcorder being on quite a poor unstable tripod.

The actors that we used aren't real actors either, getting hold of the actors we wanted was the last minute job on our list. Planning went elsewhere to what we wanted to film and not who we wanted in it, which needs to be considered when filming the thriller.

We obeyed the unwritten rules of filming as we didn't disrupt the 180 degree rule.

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