Friday 8 March 2013

Thriller (Relapse)

This is the first draft that was handed in on a deadline of Friday 8th March. I met this deadline successfully, however I have now received a good amount of constructive criticism on how and where I can exactly improve. I achieved a working grade of D+. The picture quality for the first draft also wasn't transferred and exported in HD which explains why the picture seems to be blurry and skip now and then.

The establishing shot needs to be cut as the beginning of the right to left pan jerks about a bit then hits a smooth shot.

Majority of the time that I spent before the first deadline was cutting all of the clips to meet the suspense that is created in our ideas on the storyboard. However the narrative in the draft seems to be too over complicated and can lose the audiences attention if they become confused too easily. This is perfectly fine to correct as the clips just need to be shuffled around and done corresponding to the scenes written on the storyboard. We have good quality shots now they are in HD, they just need to be put together in the right places like pieces in a jigsaw.

The titles were also just a complete first draft. We will use and try various other softwares to get the maximum quality out of the titles edits. Also the effects that are put on the titles aren't timed as well as they could be. A problem consists that they tend to appear on shots and scenes that a colour contrast clashes and makes the titles seems a bit unclear.

We have some raw filmed shots that we still need to put in. For example a close up of the victims hands going on the shoulder of the killer. This shot can be put in slow motion to create intensity.

There is also a vast amount of editing to be done with what effects we use. The straight cuts used to go to different shots are too straight forward and boring, it won't present a variety of skills to anyone watching. Things like the colour contrast need to be looked at aswell if colours are clashing with eachother which seems to be what happens on a couple shots, especially with the sunlight coming down.



The titles used on the first draft were to see what they look like in different positions. The colour of the font that we used seems to clash with the sky in the background. We changed this and made our own titles for our production and pictures company.

The software we used was Adobe title maker. Exported the image like the actual leaf on 'Red leaf productions' titles and created the picture on a blank gloomy, grey background. Whilst using certain effects like dissolves and fades, we could use the titles to look like it corresponds to each scene. The camera cuts away from the shot to show the two custom made titles. This all happens during the establishing shot which makes it flow better rather than just one shot.

For the actual 'Relapse' title, we kept that glowing, tinted blue font as we thought it seemed to presented a bit of shock. The rest of the titles like introducing the actors are also the same font. The two companies that we mention at the beginning, we felt needed more of an entrance and spotlight so we made their own logos. The rest of the titles need to be the same as Relapse.


Costume/Mise en scene

Killer: The killer will be wearing distressed, ragged jeans preferably black and a plain jumper or leather jacket. This will represent his obvious rebellious ways as he has committed a murder. The leather jacket makes him seem more older than he actually is which is what youth tend to dress like.

Victim (Young girl): The girl will be wearing a floaty dress and cardigan to represent her age and her innocence. In the bath scene, a dress will be worn but not be very visible to the camera so using a different outfit for actual location filming will show the sense that the killing of the girl happened at a seperate time to where she comes back to haunt her killer.


Killer: Matthew Sharples
  • Age - 17
  • Character name: Victor Morrison

    Victim: Robyn Strong
  • Age - 12
  • Character name - Lily


Results from my questionnaire backed up my preference to film in two seperate locations and use them both for a variety of scenary.

The first location will be shot on the railway. We chose the railway as the location is often used in thrillers and horror movies. This stereotypical thought of thrillers/horrors being filmed on abandoned locations are proven through the results of the questionnaire.

The second location will filmed in the woods to the side of the railway. Both the locations are deserted areas where other members of the public are not often seen, this will help add the fear and suspense we want the audience to feel during the sequence. The use of filming different scenes in the woods aswell as the railway adds the effect that the opening sequence portrays an early confusing storyplan. This goes straight into the thriller and makes the audience start to think about what is going on.

Thriller Risk Assessment

Before filming my Thriller I need to assess the risks of filming it.
  • The location is far away so my group and I need to plan how we are going to get there
  • Filmed in woods so need to clear a path so the actors don't slip and fall
  • Also filmed on an abandoned railway which is hard to get too (have to climb over fences to get there), need to make sure the crew or the actors don't harm themselves while climbing.
  • The weather could also be a risk as it could prevent us from filming if it is raining or snowing
  • Need to find a costume that fits the actors
  • Make sure the costume is appropriate for the Thriller
  • As the part of the filming is done in a wooded area, any loose piece of clothing could get caught on trees etc
  • Need to find a time everyone is available
  • Responsible for getting them to the location
  • Make sure they turn up on the day we plan to film
  • It isn't compulsory for anyone to act, must feel comfortable on camera to prevent any poor acting